Friday, August 9, 2013

Introducing Myself

Hello random internet person!

This is a handy dandy little blog to document my travels abroad. I will be spending my fall semester in England, and in order to keep everyone at home from dying of jealousy I shall be recording my adventures and pictures here, and not on my facebook or tumblr where they have to see it every day.

So. I am leaving on Monday, in three days (and wow am I unprepared), where I will be flying into London. I'll stay the night with a family friend, and then take the train up to Lancaster the next day. And the day after that I start orientation and get to look around where I'll be spending the next couple of months.

I'm pretty excited. I mean, I have yet to start packing, plus there's that super fun international flight all by myself, so there's also a certain amount of stress and worry involved, but overall I just can't wait.

I'm sure you'll hear all about it.

Sidenote; I really really suck at regularly posting, but I swear I'll try to keep it up this time. For one thing, I know my mother will kill me if she doesn't get to read about all of my crazy shenanigans, so for her sake I'll do my best. But I apologize in advance if I only post every once in a while.

Anyways, irregular posting aside, I really hope you enjoy hearing about what I get up to, and I swear that I'll do my best to enjoy myself while I'm across the pond.



  1. When I studied abroad 20 years ago, I sent home aerograms which my parents then typed out and re-mailed to the extended family, under the heading, "Naomi's Nepali News." A blog would've been a lot less work for my parents!

    You're going to have so much fun.

  2. You're smart to take seriously the threat I pose to your future survival if you don't keep your mother informed. I look forward to reading all about your adventures!

  3. Looking forward to hearing about it all. Sounds lovely.

  4. I hope you have an excellent time at Lancaster! Do you know which college you are in yet?

    Don't miss the freshers's fair, though I'm sure that the study abroad orientation will make that clear.

  5. Please check in to let us know you have arrived safely.

    Your mother, who expected to hear from you hours ago.
